Address: Carreglwyd, Llanfaethlu, Holyhead, Anglesey, LL65 4NY


Head for Bangor and exit east on the A55 towards Anglesey. Take the A55 all the way to Valley where you will start to see signs to the festival. Take junction 3 off the A55 towards Valley, take a right at the roundabout (4th exit). Continue to the cross roads and take another right onto the A5025, follow this for approximately 8 miles until you reach the village of Llanfaethlu. At the approach to the village bear left at the ‘Y’ junction, continue straight up and over the hill and you will begin to see the gates to the festival on your right.



The nearest train station is Holyhead and it takes approximately 3.5 hours from London (Direct from Euston), 2 hours from Manchester. We will have shuttle buses running on Thursday 13th June from Holyhead to the festival and returning on Monday 17th June. Further booking info on this will be available on this shortly.



There will be numerous taxis available at Holyhead train station, there will be a queuing rank in place where you can wait for a taxi, it is unlikely that drivers will be taking bookings. Taxi rates to and from site are £25 each way. You will dropped at the main ticket gate and there will be an onsite taxi rank for departure.



Tuned in Travel are an innovative and environmentally conscious events travel company offering safe, affordable, and greener travel to your favourite festivals and music events. Building on our extensive experience in the travel and events industries, Tuned in Travel offer several different transport options that save you time, stress and, most importantly, money.

This year we are offering regional coaches along with Shuttles from Holyhead train station. The shuttles will run between 11:30 am & 22:00pm on Thursday and between 09:00am and 14:15pm on the Monday.

To book tickets please head to the Tuned in Travel website.



Gottwood does not condone the use or possession of illegal substances. There will be police, and police dog presence on the ticket gate and all individuals including staff, crew and artists will be searched on entry, refusal to a search will result in ejection from the site – all individuals found in possessions of illegal substances will be evicted from the festival and handed over to the police.



All ticket queries are handled by Resident Advisor – please get in touch at should you have any queries.

Weekend tickets include camping and access to the festival site from Thursday 8h June 2023. Please note that car parking is not included in the ticket price and all cars will be required to purchase a car parking pass in advance of arriving.

Please note there will be a soft ticket check at the entrance to the car park. Upon arrival to the festival, ensure you have your tickets ready for inspection.

Gottwood is an 18+ event. There will be strictly no entry to those who are under the age of 18. Unfortunately we will not be able to offer refunds to those refused entry on the day.



The main ticket gates will be open from 12pm on Thursday 13th June and music will commence from approximately 4pm.

Music on Friday and Saturday will start at 11am and finish at 4am. Music on the Sunday will start at 11am and end at approximately 3am with the campsite staying open that night.

The campsite will close on Monday 17th June and everyone will need to be off site by no later than 1pm.

The box office is open as follows:

Thursday: Midday – Midnight
Friday: 9am – Midnight
Saturday: 9am – 10pm
Sunday: 9am – 10pm



Gottwood is an 18+ event. We operate a challenge 25 policy and all those lucky enough to appear under the age of 25 will be asked to provide evidence of their age by a valid photographic ID (UK Driving License, PASS 18+ Card or Passport).

There will be strictly no entry to those who are under the age of 18. Unfortunately we will not be able to offer refunds to those refused entry on the day.



Access to the public campsite is included in the ticket price. The campsite will be open from 1pm on Thursday 13th June and shut at 1pm on Monday 17th June.



Unfortunately, due to site restrictions, we will not be able to accommodate camper vans/live-in vehicles at Gottwood this year. There will be no vehicles permitted past the main gate.



There will be numerous bars on site serving cold and quality drinks at a reasonable price.

You will be allowed to bring your own alcohol into the campsites however, personal alcohol will not be permitted in the main site.

The personal alcohol allowance is restricted to either 8 beers/ciders or 2 bottles of wine (decanted into a plastic container), no personal spirits will be allowed on site. All excess, or non-compliant alcohol will be confiscated at the ticket gate.



We will bring you a wide selection of the finest food from around the world, as well as locally sourced specialities.

There will be numerous food outlets situated around the site. You will be allowed to bring you own food onto site however, please note that no personal fires, stoves or cooking devices will be allowed onto site due to health and safety restrictions.



Our main bars will be cashless and contactless payments will be accepted. Other traders on site will take cash and/or contactless payment. Cash machines will be available on site.



    • Glass – no glass is allowed anywhere onsite for safety reasons
    • Illegal substances
    • Nitrous Oxide AND/OR Whippers
    • Portable Laser Equipment and Pens
    • Unauthorised Professional Film or Video Equipment
    • Audio Recorders
    • Megaphones
    • Air Horns
    • Spray Cans
    • Gazebos
    • Candles
    • Marker Pens
    • Fireworks
    • Flares
    • Chinese or Sky Lanterns
    • Any item which may reasonably be considered for use as a weapon
    • Animals (other than registered guide or hearing dogs)
    • Sound systems
    • Unofficial tabards or reflective jackets
    • Unauthorised items for trading, including any goods using unauthorised event logos
    • Excessive amounts of food and cigarettes may be refused entry to the site



Volunteer applications are now open,  for more information and how to apply to join our site crew, art & decor team, production and stewarding teams please head here.

Green Box Events are also recruiting volunteers for litter picking, please email



Anyone who has been transported from the festival site to a nearby medical centre (either by the festival’s medical team or the Welsh ambulance service) will need to make their own arrangements for returning to the event. The closest Minor Injuries unit is:

Ysbyty Penrhos Stanley

Penrhos Beach Road Holyhead, Anglesey, LL65 2QA
Open: 8.00am – 10.00pm 7 days a week

Out of Hours Pharmacy 1

Tesco, Holyhead
Penrhos Industrial Estate, Penrhos, Holyhead, LL65 2UH
08:00 – 19:00

Out of Hours Pharmacy 2

Tesco, Bangor
Caernarfon Rd, Bangor, LL57 4SU 08:00 – 20:00



Please contact 07563238684


Ewch i gyfeiriad Bangor a throi tua’r Dwyrain ar hyd yr A55 tuag Ynys Mon. Gyrrwch ar hyd yr A55 nes cyrraedd Y Fali ble gwelwch arwyddion i’r ŵyl. Cymerwch gyffordd 3 oddi ar yr A55 tuag at Y Fali, i’r dde ar y gylchfan (4ydd allanfa). Parhewch nes cyrraedd croesffordd yna troi i’r dde ar yr A5025 a dilyn y lôn yma am tua 8 milltir nes cyrraedd pentref Llanfaethlu. Wrth nesau at y pentref, gwyrwch i’r chwith ar y gyffordd ‘Y’, parhau yn syth i fyny a tros y bryncyn ac fe welwch giatiau i’r ŵyl ar y dde.



Yr orsaf dren agosaf ydi Caergybi ac mae’n cymryd oddeutu 3.5 awr o Lundain (uniongyrchol o Euston), 2 awr o Fanceinion. Bydd bysiau gwennol yn rhedeg dydd Iau, Mehefin yr 13fed o Gaergybi i’r ŵyl ac yn dychwelyd ar ddydd Llun y 17fed o Fehefin. Bydd mwy o wybodaeth archebu ar gael ynglyn a hyn yn fuan.



Bydd nifer o dacsis ar gael o orsaf drennau Caergybi, bydd safle tacsi mewn lle ble gallwch aros am dacsi. Mae’n anhebygol y bydd gyrrwyr yn derbyn rhagarchebion. Cyfraddau tacsi o’r orsaf i’r safle oddeutu £25 un ffordd. Cewch eich gollwng wrth y prif giat tocynnau a bydd safle tacsis ar y safle pan fyddwch yn gadael.



Mae Tuned in Travel yn gwmni teithio i ddigwyddiadau arloesol ac amgylcheddol ymwybodol, gan gynnig trafnidiaeth diogel, fforddiadwy a mwy gwyrdd i’ch hoff ŵyliau a digwyddiadau cerddorol. Gan adeiladu ar ein profiad health yn y diwydiant digwyddiadau a thrafnidiaeth, mae Tuned in Travel yn cynnig nifer o opsiynnau teithio sydd yn arbed amser, straen, ac yn fwyaf pwysig, arian.

Eleni, rydym yn cynnig bysiau rhanbarthol ynghyd a bysiau gwennol o orsaf drennau Caergybi. Bydd y bysiau gwennol yn rhedeg rhwng 11:30 y.b. a 22:00 y.h. dydd Iau a rhwng 09:00yb a 14:15yp ar y dydd Llun.

I archebu tocynnau, ewch i wefan Tuned in Travel.



Nid yw Gottwood yn cydoddef defnydd na mediant sylweddau anghyfreithlon. Bydd presenoldeb heddlu a chwn heddlu ar y giat tocynnau a bydd pob unigolyn gan gynnwys staff, criw ac artistiaid yn derbyn chwiliad wrth fynd i mewn. Canlyniad gwrthod chwiliad fydd cael eich troi allan o’r safle – bydd pob unigolyn a ganfyddir mewn mediant o sylweddau anghyfreithlon yn cael eu troi allan o’r ŵyl a’u pasio i’r heddlu.



Resident Advisor sydd yn delio gyda holl ymholiadau tocynnau – cysylltwch gyda nhw ar gyfer unrhyw ymholiad os gwelwch yn dda trwy

Mae tocyn penwythnos yn cynnwys campio a mynediad i safle’r ŵyl o ddydd Iau, Mehefin yr 13fed, 2023. Noder os gwelwch yn dda and ydi parcio wedi ei gynnwys yn y pris yma ac y bydd yn ofynnol i bob cerbyd brynnu pas parcio cyn cyrraedd.

Noder y bydd gwiriad tocynnau medal wrth ddod i mewn i’r maes parcio. Wrth gyrraedd yr ŵyl, sicrhewch bod eich tocynnau yn barod i’w archwilio.

Mae Gottwood yn ddigwyddiad 18+. Gwaherddir mynediad i unrhyw rai sydd o dan 18 oed. Yn anffodus, ni fyddwn yn gallu cynnig ad-daliad i’r rhai a wrthodir mynediad iddynt ar y diwrnod.



Bydd y prif giatiau tocynnau ar agor o 12yp dydd Iau yr 13fed o Fehefin a bydd cerddoriaeth yn cychwyn oddeutu 4yp.

Bydd cerddoriaeth dydd Gwener a dydd Sadwrn yn dechrau am 11yb a gorffen am 4yb. Bydd cerddoriaeth dydd Sul yn dechrau am 11yb a gorffen oddeutu 3yb gyda’r wersyllfa yn aros ar agor y noson honno.

Bydd y wersyllfa yn cau dydd Llun y 17fed o Fehefin a bydd angen i bawb fod wedi gadael y safle dim hwyrach na 1yp.

Mae’r swyddfa docynnau ar agor fel a ganlyn:

Dydd Iau 12:00-00:00
Dydd Gwener 09:00-00:00
Dydd Sadwrn 09:00-22:00
Dydd Sul 09:00-22:00



Mae Gottwood yn ddigwyddiad 18+. Rydym yn gweithredu polisi herio 25 a gofynir i bawb sydd yn ddigon ffodus i ymddangos yn ieuengach na 25 am brawf oedran trwy ddull adnabod dilys (Trwydded Yrru y DU, cerdyn PASS 18+ neu basport)

Gwrthodir mynediad i unrhyw un sydd o dan 18 oed. Yn anffodus, ni fyddwn yn gallu cynnig ad-daliad i’r rhai y gwrthodir mynediad iddynt ar y diwrnod.



Mae mynediad i’r wersyllfa gyhoeddus wedi ei gynnwys ym mhris y tocyn. Bydd y gwersyllfan ar agor o 1yp ar ddydd Iau yr 13fed ac wedi ei gau am 1yp ar ddydd Llun y 17fed.



Yn anffodus, oherwydd cyfyngiadau safle, ni fyddwn yn gallu caniatau faniau gwersylla/cerbydau byw-mewn ynGottwood eleni. Ni chaniateir i gerbydau o’r fath fynd heibio i’r prif giatiau.



Bydd nifer o fariau ar y safle yn gwerthu diodydd oer ac o safon am brisiau rhesymol.

Caniateir i chi ddod a’ch alcohol eich hun i’r wersyllfa fodd bynnag, ni chaniateir alcohol personol i’r prif safle.

Mae’r lwfans alcohol personol wedi ei gyfyngu i un ai 8 cwrw/seidr neu 2 botel o wîn (wedi ei dywallt i gynhwysydd plastic), ni chanateir gwirodydd personol ar y safle. Bydd pob alcohol gormodol neu sydd ddim yn cydymffurfio yn cael ei atafaelu.



Byddwn yn dod a dewis eang o fwydydd byd eang i chi, yn ogystal a bwydydd arbennig wedi eu canfod yn lleol.

Bydd nifer o allfeydd bwyd wedi eu lleoli o amgylch y safle. Caniateir i chi ddod a’ch bwyd eich hun i’r safle fodd bynnag, noder os gwelwch yn dda, ni chaniateir tannau personol nac offer coginio neu stof ar y safle oherwydd cyfyngiadau iechyd a diogelwch.



Bydd ein prif fariau yn derbyn taliadau di-gyffwrdd ond dim arian parod. Bydd gwerthwyr eraill ar y safle yn derbyn arian parod a/neu daliad di-gyffwrdd. Bydd peiriannau arian parod ar y safle.



  • Gwydr – ni chaniateir gwydr yn unman ar y safle am resymau diogelwch
    Sylweddau anghyfreithlon
    Ocsid Nitraidd A/NEU chwipwyr
    Offer laser symudol neu loc
    Offer ffilm neu fideo proffesiynol heb awdurdod
    Recordwyr Sain
    Cyrn aer
    Caniau chwistrellu
    Pinnau ysgrifennu
    Tan gwyllt
    Lanternau awyr neu tsieineiaidd
    Unrhyw eitem y gellir yn rhesymol gysidro ei ddefnyddio fel arf
    Anifeiliaid (heblaw am gŵn golwg neu glyw cofrestredig)
    Systemau sain
    Siacedi neu ffedogau uwcholeuol answyddogol
    Eitemau i’w gwerthu heb awdurdod gan gynnwys unrhyw eitemau yn defyddio logo digwyddiad anawdurdodedig.
    Gellir gwrthod symiau gormodol o fwyd a sigarennau i’r safle.



Mae ceisiadau gwirfoddoli rwan ar agor. Am fwy o wybodaeth a sut i ymgeisio i ymuno gyda’r criw safle, tim celf ac addurno, timau cynhyrchu a stiwardio, ewch draw i fan hyn.

Mae Green Box Events hefyd yn recriwtio gwirfoddolwyr ar gyfer casglu sbwriel. Ebostiwch



Bydd angen i unrhywun sy’n cael eu cludo oddi ar safle’r wyl i ganolfan feddygol cyfagos (un ai gan dim meddygol yr wyl neu gan wasanaeth ambiwlans Cymru) wneud eu trefniadau eu hunain i ddychwelyd i’r digwyddiad. Yr Uned Man Anafiadau agosaf ydi

Ysbyty Penrhos Stanley

Penrhos Beach Road, Caergybi, Ynys Mon, LL65 2QA
Agor : 08:00am – 10:00pm 7 diwrnod yr wythnos

Fferyllfa tu allan i oriau 1

Tesco, Holyhead
Penrhos Industrial Estate, Penrhos, Holyhead, LL65 2UH
08:00 – 19:00

Fferyllfa tu allan i oriau 2

Tesco, Bangor
Caernarfon Rd, Bangor, LL57 4SU 08:00 – 20:00



Cysylltwch, os gwelwch yn dda 07563238684